
Antique Songye Kifwebe mask


Songye Kifwebe mask from early 1900s.

Kifwebe or striated face masks probably originated in North Shaba, an area inhabited by both Songye and Luba peoples. These kifwebe masks personify mystical power and were believed to contain a body of esoteric secret knowledge visually encoded in the mask's features. The stripes on the mask are thought to represent a zebra, even though zebras are not frequent in Songye territory, but these animals have a mythological status in Songye culture. White symbolises goodness, purity, health, light, joy, peace, wisdom and beauty, and these masks usually have white stripes.

Songye Kifwebe masks influenced pioneering artists in the early 1900s- both Modernists, who were captivated by their bold, graphic style; and Surrealists, who were fascinated by the dream-like qualities of the masks.

This item is from the collection of a noted African art collector who lived in Africa for over 20 years, and established galleries in the US, as well as sold to several museums in Europe & America.

In excellent condition.

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